Icon® Caries Infiltration

We are excited to offer Icon treatment at Huntington Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. Icon is an innovative and conservative approach to the treatment of incipient cavities and unsightly white and brown spots on teeth. This highly efficient and aesthetic treatment minimizes the discoloration on teeth from demineralization, fluorosis, or after removal of braces. Icon only requires one-appointment, is pain-free, and does not involve numbing or drilling.

Icon caries treatment is a new approach to treat emerging caries: a caries infiltrant. An infiltrant consists of micro-invasive technology that fills and reinforces demineralized enamel without drilling or anesthesia.  

Icon is the breakthrough treatment that can:

  • Stop early tooth decay from progressing before it needs to be “drilled and filled”
  • Cosmetically remove white spots caused by early tooth decay, fluorosis, or orthodontic treatment

Before & After 

before after

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