
Swimming & Your Teeth

April 20th, 2024

Swimming may be primarily a Summer activity, but for those of you looking to take a dip in the pool on hotter spring days or those with children who regularly swim in indoor pools, it’s important to know the implications of swimming on your child’s teeth. Chlorine can become a problem when dealing with dental care. 

How can chlorine hurt your teeth?

Chlorine can cause tooth discoloration and sensitivity if one spends too much time in it. If you take a daily swim, you may want to pay attention to the enamel of your teeth to make sure they do not erode. Highly chlorinated pools have a very low pH, which can cause enamel erosion, among other issues. It can also dehydrate your skin and discolor your hair.

So, how can you protect your child?

  • Wear proper facial protection, such as goggles, to avoid sight issues that may lead to facial injuries.
  • Remove dental appliances before getting in the pool, as they can get lost or damaged because of the pool’s chemicals. 
  • If it burns when you breathe in near a pool, the pH levels may be too low, which can lead to tooth enamel eroding and staining. Make sure that your child keeps their mouth closed as much as possible or find a pool with a higher pH.
  • Make sure that they rinse their mouth out immediately after going in a chlorinated pool.
  • Observe the area around the pool to ensure that it is a safe pool.

Should I stop my child from swimming?

You don’t need to, but you can monitor which pools they enter to ensure that they are entering a safe level of pH and are wearing the proper facial protection. Swimming won’t necessarily hurt your teeth to the extent that you may think, and as long as you take precautions, you will be safe!

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